Terms of use
The Bonjour Québec Image Bank Website is the property of the Ministère du Tourisme du Québec, and makes many photos and videos of Québec available free of charge. The Website was created for tourism professionals and the media who aim to promote Quebec as a tourist destination. Before using our services, it is important to read Terms of Use governing the Bonjour Québec Image Bank. Each time you use our Image Bank, you acknowledge and signify that you have read and understood these Terms of Use and agree to be bound by them. At any time, it is possible to read these Terms of Use by clicking the "Terms of Use" hyperlink, located at the bottom of each page of the Image Bank Website. 1. Definitions The following definitions have the same meaning whether they appear in the singular or the plural form. For the purposes of these Terms of Use, the following definitions apply: • Image Bank: Bonjour Québec photo and video bank, property of the Ministère du Tourisme du Québec; • Account: means a unique account created for you to access our Service or parts of our Service; • Material: photos, videos and any other file from the Image Bank; • Ministère: Ministère du Tourisme du Québec; • We, our: refers to the Ministère du Tourisme du Québec; • Service: Image Bank service; • Website: refers to the Image Bank Websites https://images.bonjourquebec.com and https://images.videos.bonjourquebec.com; • User: designates any person who has been authorized by the Ministère to access the Image Bank, by means of a user name (pseudonym) and a password, or the company or any other legal entity on behalf of which such person accesses or uses the Service, as the case may be; • Visitor: designates any person accessing the Image Bank without creating an account and having limited access. 2. Access to the Service Access to the Service is reserved solely for tourism professionals and the media whose purpose is to promote Quebec as a tourist destination. However, the Ministère may authorize access to certain educational institutions and certain government departments and agencies, subject to prior agreement and written permission on its part. Anyone wishing to have access to the Image Bank must make a request by completing the registration form available on the Website. We reserve the right to deny access to the Service to any applicant or to withdraw access and privileges from any user without notice. 3. Restrictions of Use Any loan of material is subject to the acceptance of these Terms of Use. It is strictly prohibited to crop or modify the material, in any way, without prior agreement and written permission from us. Under no circumstances may the material be used for commercial purposes (for example: selling goods, products, promotional items, vehicles, buildings, etc.), defamatory, abusive, intended to denigrate people (physical or moral) and the goods or any other exploitation that would be contrary to the laws in effect in Canada and in the country where the material would be used. Watermarked material that is uploaded in low definition may only be used to make mock-ups for graphic projects for approval. Only watermarked and low-resolution material may be sent by the user to a third-party for the sole purpose of presenting a selection to the latter. The material must only be used by the applicant. The applicant must respect the intended use when requesting the material or creating the account and make sure to register the copyrights as stipulated in Section 4. In particular, the user is prohibited from retransmitting to third-parties the material downloaded, unless written permission is provided by us. It is prohibited to download the material for the purpose of building up an image bank. We reserve the right to refuse any request for the loan of material, in particular under copyright and the specifications described in these Terms of Use. 4. Copyright License and Ownership Everything in the Image Bank (including, but not limited to, photos and videos) is and remains the sole and exclusive property of the Ministère. In order to protect site content, the materials displayed on the Website contain a watermark. The Ministère grants free to the user, whose request has been authorized, a loan of material via a download link, with this loan representing a non-exclusive and non-transferable licence. The user agrees to respect the right of paternity of the author of the images. To do this, the user must mention, in the image or near it, the name of the photographer as the author of the photo. Since the Ministère is the copyright holder, the user must also mention the Gouvernement du Québec in the photo credit. • Therefore, for photos, the following designation must be written on or near the image: Location Name or Region © GouvQc/Photographer Name OR © GouvQc/Nom du photographe For example: Gaspésie © GouvQc/C. Collin © GouvQc/C. Collin • For videos, the following designation must be entered, on a board, a banner or in the form of acknowledgements in a credits: For example: Some images courtesy of the Ministère du Tourisme du Québec Images: Courtesy of the Ministère du Tourisme du Québec Images: Courtesy of bonjourquebec.com In addition, the user agrees to comply with all the indications and restrictions specified in the information sheet of the material appearing in the Image Bank. 5. Disclaimer Users are responsible for keeping their password and username (pseudonym) confidential. They are also responsible for all activities carried out using their account. They cannot share their account with another person, and they agree to notify us immediately if they notice any unauthorized use of it. The company for which users with an account works is entirely responsible for the use of the images by its employees and their transactions, when access to the Service is granted to them in the context of their work. Users or visitors are solely responsible for the manner of conducting a search in the Image Bank, the results of their search and the use of the result of their search. The Service does, however, offer assistance with navigation on the Website. The Ministère cannot be held liable for any suspension or interruption of service whatsoever, for the time required to access the Image Bank, nor for any difficulty likely to hinder the user or the visitor during the consultation or downloading material or any other connection-related problems, including viruses. The Ministère holds the copyright on the material thus loaned. However, the Ministère assumes no liability in the event of recourse, a suit, a claim or a demand from any person, in particular with regard to the image rights of a person appearing in the photo or video, relating to the production, reproduction, publication, telecommunication and dissemination to the public by the user, of material that has been cropped or otherwise modified. Users are responsible for ensuring that their use of the material does not infringe any copyright or any other right, in Canada and in any other country where they use the material. The Ministère assumes no liability in this regard. Users ensure that they will use the material in accordance with these conditions, and that in the event of any non-compliant or prohibited use, they ensure the Ministère against any recourse, any lawsuit, any claim or any demand from any person relating to such use of the material. Users agree to defend and indemnify the Ministère in the event of any recourse, suit, claim or demand relating to non-compliant or prohibited use of the material under these Terms of Use. 6. Applicable Laws and Competent Courts These Terms of Use are governed by the laws and regulations of the province of Québec and the laws of Canada applicable in this province. In the event of a dispute, the courts having jurisdiction in Québec will have sole jurisdiction. These Terms of Use and Restrictions and any modifications thereto constitute the entire agreement between the parties and are binding on them. 7. Creation of a Hyperlink to the Official Tourist Site of the Government of Québec When users plan to use the material as part of a Website, they must insert a hyperlink on the site concerned, which will direct Internet users to the home page of the official tourism site of the Government of Québec, namely, bonjourquebec.com, so that they can benefit from complete tourist information on Québec. To establish this hyperlink, the user has the option of using the banners (logos) available at bonjourquebec.com/en-ca/legal-notices. Users must comply with the applicable Terms of Use. 8. Our Contact Information For more information, you can reach the Ministère Monday to Friday, between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST) as follows: Telephone: 418-643-5959, ext. 73330 E-mail: images@bonjourquebec.com 9. Changes to the Terms of Use We reserve the right to modify or update our terms of use from time to time without notice. You must ensure that you read and familiarize yourself with them each time you use them. Changes made to our Terms of Use are effective when they are posted on this page. 10. Privacy Policy We invite you to consult the Privacy Policy for the Service: Last updated on: September 19, 2023 |